Case study 3: Pancreatic endocrinogenesis

This tutorial shows how cellDancer derives cell fates in the embedding space.

This tutorial also displays cellDancer’s ability to decipher cell identity based on the cell-specific reaction rates.

Below is the case study for pancreatic endocrinogenesis. We follow the gene and cell filtering methods of Bergen 3,696 cells with 2,000 genes are selected.

Import packages

To run the notebook locally, Installation could be referred to install the environment and dependencies.

# import packages
import os
import sys
import glob
import pandas as pd
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import celldancer as cd
import celldancer.cdplt as cdplt
from celldancer.cdplt import colormap

Load cellDancer result

We use the preprocessed data to predict the RNA velocities (see the details of pre-processing steps Data Preparation). Below are the command we used for the RNA velocity estimation.

cellDancer_df = cd.velocity(cell_type_u_s, permutation_ratio=0.5, n_jobs=8)

The prediction result can be downloaded from

cellDancer_df_path = 'your_path/PancreaticEndocrinogenesis_cellDancer_estimation.csv'
cellIndex gene_name unsplice splice unsplice_predict splice_predict alpha beta gamma loss cellID clusters embedding1 embedding2
0 0 Scaper 0.489151 0.211323 0.486841 0.185478 0.334391 0.629880 0.647696 0.043435 AAACCTGAGAGGGATA Pre-endocrine 6.143066 -0.063644
1 1 Scaper 0.278262 0.125742 0.293904 0.107517 0.224909 0.626946 0.648537 0.043435 AAACCTGAGCCTTGAT Ductal -9.906417 0.197778
2 2 Scaper 0.374380 0.298116 0.348888 0.197525 0.213979 0.648890 0.665279 0.043435 AAACCTGAGGCAATTA Alpha 7.559791 0.583762
3 3 Scaper 0.320497 0.198031 0.318165 0.146120 0.219611 0.636208 0.655523 0.043435 AAACCTGCATCATCCC Ductal -11.283765 4.218998
4 4 Scaper 0.239145 0.141970 0.251417 0.106599 0.192050 0.631560 0.652837 0.043435 AAACCTGGTAAGTGGC Ngn3 high EP 1.721565 -4.753407
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7391995 3691 Tmem63a 0.000000 0.136270 0.000447 0.125414 0.005472 0.110095 0.067564 0.045492 TTTGTCAAGTGACATA Pre-endocrine 4.768472 -1.388353
7391996 3692 Tmem63a 0.028708 0.000000 0.021286 0.022931 0.017270 0.100517 0.072741 0.045492 TTTGTCAAGTGTGGCA Ngn3 high EP -1.873335 -4.182650
7391997 3693 Tmem63a 0.000000 0.312690 0.000200 0.288797 0.002445 0.116196 0.064809 0.045492 TTTGTCAGTTGTTTGG Ductal -9.882250 -0.105594
7391998 3694 Tmem63a 0.028052 0.154164 0.019519 0.165354 0.008143 0.107124 0.069812 0.045492 TTTGTCATCGAATGCT Alpha 6.612424 4.531895
7391999 3695 Tmem63a 0.076389 0.046049 0.055438 0.101639 0.024521 0.098170 0.073695 0.045492 TTTGTCATCTGTTTGT Epsilon 3.071044 1.120432

7392000 rows × 14 columns

Project the RNA velocity onto the embedding space

We calculate the projection of RNA velocity on the embedding with cd.compute_cell_velocity(). The projected direction on embedding space, i.e. columns ‘velocity1’ and ‘velocity2’ are added to the original dataframe. We use cdplt.scatter_cell() to display the predicted direction on embedding space.

# Compute cell velocity
cellDancer_df=cd.compute_cell_velocity(cellDancer_df=cellDancer_df, projection_neighbor_size=100)

# Plot cell velocity
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
im = cdplt.scatter_cell(ax, cellDancer_df, colors=colormap.colormap_pancreas, alpha=0.5, s=10, velocity=True, legend='on', min_mass=5, arrow_grid=(20,20))

Build UMAP based on reaction rates

We use cd.embedding_kinetic_para() to build the UMAP based on the predicted alpha, predicted beta, predicted gamma, or all of the three.


We visualize the UMAP of kinetic parameter(s) with cdplt.plot_kinetic_para().

fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=4, figsize=(16,8))
cdplt.plot_kinetic_para(ax[0], 'alpha_beta_gamma', cellDancer_df, color_map=colormap.colormap_pancreas)
cdplt.plot_kinetic_para(ax[1], 'alpha', cellDancer_df, color_map=colormap.colormap_pancreas)
cdplt.plot_kinetic_para(ax[2], 'beta', cellDancer_df, color_map=colormap.colormap_pancreas)
cdplt.plot_kinetic_para(ax[3], 'gamma', cellDancer_df, color_map=colormap.colormap_pancreas)
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'UMAP of gamma'}>